Speed up your purchase invoice entry with the new fast purchase invoice entry screen. The new screen layout will allow you to enter either a single invoice or batch of invoices quickly and accurately.
The rapid invoice entry screen caters for duplication checks, foreign currency and net to vat calculations.
This video illustrates the data entry process:
Use the following shortcuts are available to help with the data entry:
Alt + D check for duplicates
Alt + P post the invoices entered in the grid
Alt + C close the screen without saving the invoices
F2 Amend the exchange rate
F6 Copy the cell above
Shift + F6 Copy the cell above and increment by one
F7 Insert a new row above the row you are on
F8 Delete the row you are on
F9 Gross to Net calculation enter the Gross amount press F9 and the net to gross will be calculated.
Still need a little extra help, why not consider some on-site training: